Brain Damage Lawyer in New York City
Infant brain damage leading to permanent disability, coma or death is often a direct result of medical negligence. When a child suffers from brain damage and someone is to blame, it is important for the victim鈥檚 family to consider their legal options. It is best for the family to speak with an attorney. Justice must be served. Not only does the family deserve compensation for the lifelong impact of the injury, it is important to ensure that the medical professional is held accountable to stop further possible situations. If you believe your baby is a victim of medical negligence resulting in brain damage, you may be entitled to financial compensation. Please contact Mark L. Bodner, P.C. for a free consultation.
What is infant brain damage?
Brain damage is the destruction or degeneration of brain cells. The degree of impairment or disability caused by brain damage varies from child to child and can include:
- Learning disabilities
- Speech and language problems
- Balance and movement problems
- Neurocognitive disorders
- Cerebral palsy
- Seizures
- Epilepsy
- Coma
- Vegetative state
- Death
Do I Have A Brain Damage Birth Injury Case?
If you experienced one or more of the following during your pregnancy or child’s birth, it is possible that your baby’s brain damage may be the result of a preventable birth injury:
- Improper pregnancy dating
- Undetected or improperly treated infections
- Low amniotic fluid
- A twisted umbilical cord
- A baby that was too large for gestational age
- Difficult forceps delivery
- Hemorrhage
- Breech birth
- Premature delivery
- Your baby was in fetal distress but the medical staff did not perform a cesarean section
Why should I contact an attorney?
A baby with brain damage will require a lifetime of special needs. Neurologists, physiatrists, physicians, neuropsychologists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, psychologists and other specialists may be necessary. The cost of medical treatment for a child with brain damage can be staggering. If you believe your child’s brain damage was a result of medical negligence, you may be entitled to sue for damages and should speak with a New York brain injury attorney immediately. While taking legal action will not reverse the unfortunate outcome of your baby’s birth injury, it can help provide you and your family with needed financial security.
Contact Mark L. Bodner, P.C.
If you think you have a brain damage birth injury case, please contact our law firm. There are strict time limits in birth injury lawsuits, and prompt action is critical to a successful resolution. Mark L. Bodner, P.C. is an experienced New York City birth injury law firm focused on providing the quality legal support clients deserve. Our firm has helped many families win large settlements to ensure that their child will have the correct and proper care over the course of the child’s lifetime. Our New York City infant brain damage attorneys have represented hundreds of families in cases involving severe birth injuries and maternal death following deliveries of babies.