Recovering Compensation Following a Subway Accident in New York

If you live in New York City, the subway is most likely a part of your daily routine. Usually, subways are regarded as a safe and efficient means of transportation. However, sometimes subway accidents occur. When they do, people are very often injured as a result. Being injured as a passenger is particularly jarring, as there is nothing you can do to avoid it, and therefore very little you can do to protect yourself. Individuals injured in subway accidents usually seek financial compensation to help cover the cost of their medical bills, in-home care, lost wages, and more. If you have been injured in a subway accident, here are some of the questions you may have regarding your legal options going forward:

What are the most common causes of subway accidents?

The New York City subway system is a complex network of powerful machinery. However, if improperly manufactured or maintained, several things can go wrong. Some of the most common causes of subway accidents are as follows:

  • Operator negligence
  • People being dragged under the trail
  • Electrical injuries due to malfunctions
  • Trip and falls in the stations or on the platform
  • Derailments
  • Doors closing too soon
  • Robberies and other criminal activity due to poor subway security
  • Broken escalators
  • Broken stairs or platforms
  • Sudden stops
  • Turnstyle injuries
  • Obstructed walkways
  • Collisions

What injuries do subway accidents cause?

  • Ligament, tendon and muscle injuries
  • Bone fractures or breaks
  • Traumatic head injuries
  • Internal injuries
  • Death or paralysis
  • Back injuries
  • Electrocution
  • Burns or dismemberment

How do I recover compensation following a subway accident?

To recover financial compensation, you must first prove that you were injured due to another party鈥檚 negligence. An experienced attorney can help you do so in an efficient, cost-effective manner.

How can I prove another party鈥檚 negligence?

You and your attorney may use security camera footage, medical documents, police reports, witness statements, pictures of the hazardous conditions, and more to prove your personal injury claim.

What is the statute of limitations in New York?

In New York lawsuits against a municipality, you have 90 days to file a Notice of Claim. Once you do so, you will have one year and 90 days from the date of your accident to file a lawsuit with the New York City Transit Authority. If you fail to do so within the given time limit, you will most likely lose your right to sue.

Contact our experienced New York City firm

At Mark L. Bodner, P.C., we are committed to guiding clients through each step of the personal injury claims process. Our firm understands how traumatic it can be when you are injured due to another party鈥檚 negligence. We are prepared to fight on your behalf to help you recover a maximum compensation award. Do not let the insurance companies take advantage of your situation. Contact our firm today.