U.S. Auto Accident Fatalities Spike in 2020 | What You Should Know

In 2020, the United States saw a spike in auto accident fatalities from 2019. While this may seem surprising, given the fact that in 2020, many of us were forced to quarantine, thereby leading to far less traffic volume, upon further analysis, one can infer several things. For example, in most cases, one can assume that these fatalities are the result of more people behaving negligently on the roads by speeding, driving while under the influence, distracted driving, and more. If your loved one recently lost his or her life in an auto accident, our firm is here to help. Please continue reading and speak with our New York City personal injury lawyer to learn more about wrongful death claims in New York State. Here are some of the questions you may have:

Who is able to bring a wrongful death claim in New York State?

Not everyone can bring a wrongful death claim on behalf of their loved one in New York State. In New York, only surviving spouses, children, parents, and other relatives who depend on the individual financially may bring a wrongful death claim.

What damages can a wrongful death claim cover?

You may recover both economic and non-economic damages on behalf of your loved one in a wrongful death claim. To start, you may recover compensation for the cost of medical care your loved one received before he or she passed away. You may also recover compensation to help cover the cost of funeral expenses. You should also recover compensation for certain non-economic damages, such as the loss of companionship, pain and suffering, emotional distress, and more.

What is the statute of limitations for wrongful death claims in New York State?

The statute of limitations for wrongful death claims in New York State is, generally, two years, which means that if you recently lost your loved one as a result of another party’s negligence, it is critical that you do not wait any longer than two years from the date of death to take legal action against the liable party. While it may seem like the last thing you want to do at this time, the truth is, the sooner you speak with our firm, the better. We are ready to assist you in any way we can today.


At Mark L. Bodner, P.C., we are committed to guiding clients through each step of the medical malpractice and personal injury claims process. Our firm understands how traumatic it can be when you become a victim of negligence. We are prepared to fight on your behalf to help you recover a maximum compensation award.聽Contact our firm today.