What Injuries Qualify for a Medical Malpractice Claim?

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It is disappointing when your medical treatment does not go as planned. But it becomes an unacceptable matter if you incur additional injuries, which could have been easily prevented, at the hands of a negligent medical professional. This is when you must strongly consider your opportunity to pursue a medical malpractice claim. Read on to discover what types of bodily injuries constitute a civil lawsuit and how a seasoned New York City medical malpractice attorney at Mark L. Bodner, P.C. can act as your representative during this time.

What types of injuries qualify for a medical malpractice claim?

Unfortunately, a medical professional may breach their duty of care and fail to practice at the standard established by their peers in the field. This may directly result in your incurrence of bodily injuries that are far worse than those you initially intended to get treated. Without further ado, if you are now suffering from any of the below injuries, then you may qualify to be a plaintiff in a medical malpractice claim:

  • You may experience a birth injury (i.e., prolapsed or ruptured uterus) after undergoing a vaginal birth instead of an emergency C-section.
  • You may experience infections, tissue damage, or organ damage after undergoing an improper surgical procedure.
  • You may experience a stroke or heart attack after receiving the wrong dosage of anesthesia during your surgery.
  • You may experience a serious or deadly allergic reaction after receiving the wrong type of prescription medication.
  • You may experience a terminal stage of cancer after receiving a misdiagnosis or a delayed diagnosis.

What types of damages can I recover with a successful claim?

For your medical malpractice claim proceedings, you must submit a significant amount of evidence that points to the medical professional’s negligence and its direct correlation to your incurred bodily injuries. If you can successfully convince the New York jury court of your case, then they may order the defendant to compensate you for any of the below damages:

  • The amount of medical expenses you faced when treating the additional bodily injuries you incurred.
  • The anticipated amount of medical expenses you may face in the future to treat your additional bodily injuries.
  • The amount of income you lost when having to treat the additional bodily injuries you incurred.
  • The anticipated amount of income you may miss out on in the future to treat your additional bodily injuries.
  • The amount of physical pain and mental suffering that your additional bodily injuries have caused you.
  • The amount of enjoyment you have lost in your life due to your additional bodily injuries.

It is worth mentioning that there is no dollar cap on the amount of damages you may recover in New York State. So at the end of the day, the way to better your chances at a successful claim is to retain the services of a competent New York City medical malpractice attorney. Please do not hesitate to contact Mark L. Bodner, P.C. today.